
Showing posts from December, 2017

Toodyay Bingo Night

The Department of Transport did their best to sabotage the O55 Cycling Club's annual Toodyay Bingo Night on the week-end of November 25/26 by cancelling the trains to Midland. On hearing about this, the First Lady was straight onto the phone to the Minister, demanding to know why the Club wasn’t included in the discussions on the line closure, pointing out this was blatant discrimination against seniors and their constitutional rights as ex-taxpayers to travel  free anytime to anyplace from anywhere and if she didn’t damn well reverse the decision her position as patron of the club could be revoked.  The hard-hearted Minister refused to budge, and furthermore stated that she thought it was disgraceful that a bunch of geriatric old geezers like us was on the roads inconveniencing car drivers and holding up traffic on a Saturday morning instead of pottering around our homes in our dressing gowns and slippers and drinking a cup of warm milk. Undeterred by this the 20...